20 October, 2009

Her heartbeat

Fuck fireworks!
Every beat is like an H•Bomb landing
Giving life to my Hershey's Kiss Queen while she rotates my planets -
God damn it!
I've gotta hand it
to God for making passion,
lust, desire and love take form in physical fashion - everlasting

Like sweet liquored licorice
her lips make me miss a kiss I've never witnessed
- I'm twisted by this mistress!
My wish is to grant her wishes,
but all that exists is -
explicit visions broken by intermissions
- whenever real life kicks in.

I'd rather dream to her pulse rate
and fiend for her touch and taste
- than exist as a being in a scene minus her lovely grace

I'm enchanted by her beats per minute
trying to creep up in it,
painting pictures of paradise -
hoping she could see US in it.

Her heart's fire sparks desires that rises my blood pressure.
My eyes start to undress her -
A beat skips, we meet lips and my happiness lasts forever

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect

07 September, 2009

That Old Gangsta Shit! (and other ways we’ve been trikkked)

I am NOT a gang member. I AM a member of the Crip organization, but I am not a “gang” member.  What the fuck is the difference you ask? (I’m psychic too) Well, the fucking difference is I am a man who uses his own two feet to stand up. I do not run around with a pack of mark ass niggas that got down for protection. I bang on the United States of Amerikkka, not the innocent members of my own community. I fully understand my history, the history of my people and the struggle we’ve been in since being stolen away from our origins. I’m a B.O.S.S. in every sense. I am trying to organize my people as a whole, by organizing those around me to revolt against a SYSTEM that is designed to entrap us. Gang MEMBERS are like crack-cocaine in my view, both are very successful  methods of destroying and keeping tabs on “the hood,” great fucking job Amerikkka, we didn’t even see it coming.

How do you tame a panther? I’m not Steve Irwin, but I’m sure you’d first have to study the animal, its habits and its habitat and find the best way to trap it first. Even an ensnared panther seems dangerous though, so you’d probably have to drug it to get it to a stage of complicity. I have a couple of friends in the circus, so I’m pretty sure the next step would be to abuse the fuck out of that panther until it did what you wanted to do. After that, it gets a little easier to tame new panthers because they will follow the lead of the first broken panther. “WHAT THE FUCK SICC! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT CIRCUS ABUSE AND ANIMAL TAMING FOR!?,” you ask?  (Ok, maybe not this time… but anyway) I’m simply telling you what was done to US. Yeah fuckers, you’ve been broken and tamed on more occasions than you’d care to realize. Slavery did not end in 1865, and it still is not over.

Organize yourself in the same manner as the founders of this country did, to fight the injustices being served on us from a people who are not in our shoes, and could not represent us in any fashion, fight for the independence that you deserve, renounce their laws for laws that make sense for US, and you my friend are an enemy of the state. Guess what, George Washington, SUPER PATRIOT, was a TRAITOR to England. ALL OF THE FOUNDERS WERE. To those Blacks that believe the nation which declared its independence is also somehow YOUR nation, I pray for your awakening.

We were brought here to do the labor, not to be a part of this nation. If you believe that has changed, you’re mistaken. (To the dude throwing the Obama flag on the play, please be advised, Obama’s lineage does not take him back into being a product of Amerikkkan slavery, unless you count the slave masters in.) The young people of Black Amerikkka fail to realize that it wasn’t in 1865 that “Negroes” gained rights in this country. They fail to understand that the struggle continues. They fail to realize 50 years ago, isn’t that fucking long ago.

Yes, the auction blocks still stand in the south. Whites Only signs still linger here and there.  We are abused children, running into the arms of the same motherfuckers who whipped us bloody, because we don’t know anyone else to run to. RUN TO EACH OTHER. They have systematically destroyed every culturally and racially aware organization we’ve had. There was a time where the Black Family was a BEAUTIFUL FORCE to behold. A time when Black Men knew they had to protect the jewels that are our Black Women. A time when Black Women knew they had to SUPPORT the Black Man in order for all of us to make it through our struggle. I’ll be damned if Willie Lynch wasn’t a fucking genius. Hell, I’m damned because he was one.

OH, settle the fuck down you uppity fuckers who thought “HOW CAN HE SAY THAT, WILLIE LYNCH IS THE REASON THE BLACK FAMILY AND BLACK COMMUNITY IS DESTROYED.” That’s kinda exactly the point. It takes a beautiful mind to orchestrate something so horrible, that effectively. We still don’t trust each other, our women and our men are at odds, old versus young, light versus dark. USE EVERY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM TO SEPARATE THEM, he said. Look around you “my g,” are we not STILL divided amongst ourselves?  His guide to making slaves become their own enslavers has been working wonderfully since around 1712, and he guaranteed it for 300 years. THREE HUNDRED YEARS!? This man said “I have a plan, that’ll keep these niggers working the way you want them to for AT LEAST 300 years, and they will do the work for you without even knowing it.” IS THERE A GOD DAMNED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGIST IN THE HOUSE? Please tell MY people that we are suffering from depression as a whole and what we’ve thought was normal life is actually an abusive relationship that we haven’t realized we don’t need to be a part of anymore…. Please?

Our Nation is the biggest threat to their nation, just like an abuse victims self-awareness and self-love is the biggest threat to an abuser. The control (or loss of control) over a victim, starts inside the heart of the victim, not the hands of the victimizer. We’ve tried to organize Our Nation on many occasions, the leaders of these revolts against mental slavery were murdered in the same manner that run-away slaves were hunted and executed. KEEP THE REST OF THE PACK AFRAID TO FOLLOW IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE BRAVE FEW. Good tactic. MAKE YOUR ENEMY BECOME ITS OWN ENEMY. Great tactic!

After the sabotage of the Black Panther Party and all other similar parties…. Oh wait a second, if you didn’t know that these were political parties aimed at establishing a government that was considerate to the plight of the Black Family, exit now. These were not “renegade hooligans” who were knocking over liquor stores and selling crack and heroin under the guise of being a pro-Black organization. These were legitimate conduits of change in the community, that were destroyed by the same CIA that trained Bin Laden and then labeled him a terrorist. Oh yeah, you can look that shit up on the interweb so its believable, but if I tell you that crack and heroin were introduced to destroy our community, I’m a conspiracy theorist right? FUCK YOU.

How did the drugs get to be so abundant amongst a people who had no means of acquiring them on their own? Do some research. Then do some more and find out things like COCAINE was SPECIFICALLY outlawed for NEGROES. Oh yeah bitch, it’s true. Slaves were given coke to make them work harder, white men took it recreationally. Savage beasts that they can be, the coked up white men commited countless acts of rape, murder, robbery etc. However, why should a white man go down for something he can say a nigger did? PSSSSSSSH. SWIFTLY, the rampages were blamed on the “lesser mind of the nigger males being unable to handle the effects in the same elegant manner of the white male. Yeah homie, your brain isn’t built for drugs, theirs is. Every drug that was ever outlawed was outlawed because of racial and/or financial motivation. Anyway, you now introduce the method to take out ALL semblance of unity, through drugs. Break a couple niggers away from the pack, then coax them into pushing the shit that’ll cripple all of the people around them. Create a system where they do your bidding by pushing narcotics, and then lock them up when they’ve served their purpose…. You know, cause like Osama, these people are NOW terrorists, destroying Amerikkka.  GOOD SHOW!

Who better to use for this plan than the bastards of the Black Panther party, which was dismantled through calculated assassinations and dissemination of drugs and anti-Black propaganda, by the way. Crips and Bloods could have been the biggest threat Amerikkka had faced since it declared independence from England. Luckily, Willie Lynch’s guarantee held true. The war against them, that we THOUGHT we’d win by trying to get enough fast money together to get the munitions and supplies we needed for the battles, became a war against ourselves. How? Well, like the man T. Rodgers said, gangs are full of nothing but cowards and children. What started more as the military extension of the values we were trying to instill (self love, self pride, self awareness, and true independence) became the back door for us to be infiltrated. Grown men commanding KIDS to do things they would not do themselves. “Why We Bang” can not be documented in DVDs promoting the divide of our people. Why we bang, is in the heart of every self-aware
Black person in this country. We bang for what we deserve as a people. We bang against those who oppress us. We bang toward the revolution. REVOLT REVOLT REVOLT!!!

You want to be a REAL Gangsta? Organize your hood in a fashion that stops the old people from being afraid of the young and promotes interaction among EVERYONE, fear of each other keeps us separated. Help everyone you can in any way you can, allowing those around us to fall increase the chance that we will as well. Support your community, serve yourselves. Police
yourself, act accordingly and when you see someone acting out of line, do not be afraid to address it. We don’t need no stinkin’ badges! Follow the guidelines laid down by OUR forefathers, Malcolm, Marcus, Dr. King etc. UNITY is a must!!!!

Love, Life, Loyalty, Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Dedication, Determination, Discipline <- that’s that real gangta shit. Next time you see a gang member, ask him what his gang about, then ask him what HE’s about… if he can’t answer both questions in a positive way, make him drop his flag. Tell him sicc said so.

Now pardon me while I go write a rhyme about killing niggas and selling drugs and fucking bitches. Don’t support any of my music that sounds like that, that’s for *them* to feed on, and more importantly, pay me for… The REAL shit is free, Turn OFF the radio. Get activated. See what the streets are REALLY ABOUT. Don’t get bamboozled!

05 September, 2009

Wife beaters (no not A-shirts)

I used to be one. Well actually, in a way, I guess I still am (like clean addicts are still addicts). Anyway, it's a bitch-made thing to do and I feel like talking about it.
Men who abuse women are fucking clowns. Abuse is a lot of things, but it's mostly mental. You can't abuse someone who knows their worth is beyond your backhand. Anybody can be an abuser and anybody can be a victim. Women abuse men, "friends" abuse friends, so forth and so on. The reason I say men who abuse women are clowns is pretty simple, we are ALL here because of a woman. In fact, to keep it 100, men are just a mutant variant... XX to XY. Our women are instrumental to the survival of humankind. We should treat them as such
Men who beat on their women don't only have no respect or love for their companion, but also lack those feelings for themselves. Men who batter women are extremely insecure failures for the most part. - I know, you're thinking "but wait, you're a hood rich asshole," but alas, I wasn't always. - Men who get jealous if their girlfriend smiles while she's on the phone, or talking to friends in person. Men who feel inadequate in life and need to dominate a female to stave off their suicidal realities. Batterers are usually punks who don't stand up for anything in their own lives, which is why they need someone to knock down. - I'm making myself look so bad. - They prey on weak character types, like wolves looking for the weak and dying of the herd. Yeah these niggas aint shit!
Women should be treated with respect and shown love. They are flowers, at different phases of blossom. Here's the thing though: YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE in love, just as in all walks of life. If a female doesn't carry herself as a WOMAN, she can not expect to be treated as one. I'm not saying, if she acts like a bitch then whoop that trick, but really ladies, nobody will love you more than you love yourself AND stick around.
If you're looking for HIM to come rescue you from YOUR bullshit, you're saying "hey, I've already been defeated," and really, what winner wants a loser? It's a sad fact that the dignity of today's woman is severely lacking. The "glass ceiling" may not supposedly exist anymore but there's still a definite message out there that women are below men. DISPROVE that! That is your assignment as a woman, should you choose to accept it. Be that LADY that I desire to see as well as be seen with.
Now I do realize there are some dudes that will kill their lady for trying to rise above him. Those are the worst of the haters (9/10 abusive men are 33rd degree hate masons). These dudes are lower than slug shit. They are such miserable fucks that any semblance of joy or progression or even the spark of insecurity about what they mean to someone, sparks them to kill. If I could I'd clap them all with a .50 cal, twice.
So, how can I say all this and claim I used to be abusive? I woke up. My kids mom used to get fucked up by EVERYBODY before me, and sort of expected it from me. Long story short, it happened, it became a nightmare (for both of us, obviously much more so for her,) and I left because it became so bad that I honestly couldn't stand to hit her anymore. I left to try to grow, to become who I was before her and who I wanted to be afterwards. It took a while. I had to do a lot of digging and go through (as well as put others through) tons of pain. I hate who I was.
One day, I fell in love, for real. The point of that is more WHO I fell in love with. I fell in love with a strong woman. Just from her character and poise I didn't dare try to get at her until I knew my shit was together. I prepared myself for her. I got my act together and did shit that I could be proud of. I didn't do it for her so much as she made me want to be a better person, with or without her... and please believe there was a long "without her" period. I got back into art and music. My poetry got better and my rhymes???!? pssssh, nobody's fucking with me! I got my money up, I got my shit right and I feel great! She's gone, but the me I want to be is here forever!
Sadly, my kids' momma is still getting victimized. The number of men who have beaten her increases every few years, true story. I pray for her. I plead for her to wake up too. "I'll do things when I'm ready," she tells me. What can I tell our kids if she's very seriously hurt or killed? She can't see that far, or just doesn't believe he'd do that to her. Yeah, none of them were going to hit her again either...
Point is, batterers are dirt, the most dirt is on the floor and in unkept areas. If you're keeping yourself low and unkept ladies, the more likely you are to get dirty. Do your best to be your best and these dudes will eventually have the space they need to be alone enough to think about who they are. Either they'll kill themselves or they'll grow into full fledged men. It's a win/win.
Fuck if this was long-winded, PAY ATTENTION!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

04 September, 2009


My life been a lot realer than a lot of niggas think
the problems increased, still I can't stop in the least
Boxing the beast, everyday I'm watching police
the feds and detectives, clock my bop in the streets
I'm hot and this heat, aint got me me shocked in the least
a lotta niggas got knocked, and then got a release
Spot 'em wit d's talkin bout plottin and schemes
Who got it for cheap, whose dope is washin the fiends
Droppin the beat, given all these cops what they need
- To come and knock ME
cause the hood said if a nigga got it, then he got it from me.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Shots fired

The loud cracking sounds of the hammer igniting the gunpowder draws me closer.
The ominous smell of fire and 'burn' from the barrel of your gun, is like perfume to me.
You shoot, and I run closer to you.

I am not bulletproof.

The sound of the barrel revolving is like you whispering my name at night.
The nickel plating, the rubber grip, the perfect shoes and dress.
You shoot and I run closer to you.

I am not bulletproof.

The extended clips are equivalent to extra love from you.
The slug in the chamber just tells me you've been waiting for me.
You shoot and I run closer to you.

I am not bulletproof.

The hollow points, the .223s and the .50 cal shells just tell me you're a complex variety of things I love.
The snub nose screams discretion, the pearl handle tells me you're eloquent.
You shoot and I run closer to you.

I am not bulletproof.

Your accuracy at the range tells me....
Shit! I just got shot.
Like an assassin to my heart, your scope has been accurate, and I am now dying.

One shot, one kill.

You shot, I ran closer to you.

I wasn't bulletproof.

I love you. Now please, don't leave me here to die......

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect

Fresh Out The Bookings?!?

As you may or may not know, I've been no stranger to handcuffs in my life so far, this last trip to central bookings may just have been the most profound however:

Since my 1st adult arrest (I was a week into 18) it's seemed that everybody always expects ME to know how their case looks. Maybe the glasses scream 'the nerd knows!', fuck it. Now there are always "bullpen lawyers" ready to say "what you here for? .... Oh you gonna do X amount of time." Fuck those guys, they're shook and hoping your case is more serious than theirs so they can go home after the judge is satisfied with enough cases bigger than their shit. Myself, on the other hand, I don't care why anyone else is here but I always get clung to. I'm no giant dude either... but I mean, dudes give up seats, I rock the phone all day type shit (without saying "I'm so and so".) Anyway, this occasion was no different, except for me having a massive tension headache from the day before, so I'm Mr. Security Blanket again. This time though, I heard some shit I hadn't heard as much before, A LOT. "I just want to see my kid(s)." Not so odd you'd think, but its been my experience that most heads just wanna touch the hood again and be free to keep doing what they did before. This time, the amount of minority men concerned about their kids was staggering, considering the stereotypes and location we were in. I won't get into why I was there but I'm talking dudes from the trap house to dudes with bodies to dudes that spit on the sidewalk (yeah, seriously,) and everybody wanted to get back to being 'DAD'. Of course I was one of them, but I knew I was going home soon... so did they LOL. I called home and my kids said "nah, we not worried," my daughter actually said "worry about what? I'll see you soon, I know that, you're superdad!" Off that, I knew no matter what, I was going home ASAP but I digress.

The amount of YOUNG minority males who were active in their kids' lives, regardless of what they did outside of home, was so contradictory to the hype it got me to thinking... "WHY?" Not why are they involved, but WHY THE FUCK aren't we home with our kids instead of in these cells thinking about them. The masses and the media want us to believe the "hood" is full of criminally inclined dead-beat dads. (Fuck dead-beats by the way.) What the hood is full of is people trying to get by. People trying to succeed from a failing position, in a failing community, abandoned by failing systems under failing administrations. In simple terms, shit is fucked up out here yo!

When the average inmate is leaving at least 1 child minus a parent, there's a lot that's going be wrong with the children of tomorrow. Our kids are becoming accustomed to seeing us get arrested, incarcerated, and at worst, gone forever. It's almost like saying it's okay when it becomes so regular. It's not fucking OK. Our children need guidance, guidance away from these spider web ass systems and toward freedom and success. We can not secure our future from inside cells. A boy needs to see what a man is to become one and a girl needs to see what a real man is so that she seeks a real man and not a regret, the same with having a real woman around.

Previous generations fought so that we wouldn't have to. The real OG's didn't want us to be like them, at constant war. They battled against THEM so that we could be free to do US. Instead we're battling US at the benefit of nobody but THEM. This needs to stop NOW. There needs to be a community again. UNITY being the key part of that word. We need to police ourselves instead of being policed. This happens with communication, will, and effort.

Go knock on your neighbor's door and introduce yourself. Be in other people's business from up close, and help them when they need it instead of talking behind their backs. You're raising every child who knows you, step up and be a good parent ALWAYS; whether you have biological kids or not! Organize a community event. Attend one. We can not win the war on our families if we do not become a family as a whole. And by no means be mistaken, this is a WAR against our family structure.
That's the realest shit ever. Think on it.
Damn it felt good to be FRESH outta bookings!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect

First Entry

Ok, I'm a fucking blogger now. Great. Well I guess all the random shit I feel like rambling about will be on this page. Like right now I'm thinking about how lame this bitch is for being asleep @ 3am when I want some pussy. Fuck it, I guess I'll see what happens with this shit.