05 September, 2009

Wife beaters (no not A-shirts)

I used to be one. Well actually, in a way, I guess I still am (like clean addicts are still addicts). Anyway, it's a bitch-made thing to do and I feel like talking about it.
Men who abuse women are fucking clowns. Abuse is a lot of things, but it's mostly mental. You can't abuse someone who knows their worth is beyond your backhand. Anybody can be an abuser and anybody can be a victim. Women abuse men, "friends" abuse friends, so forth and so on. The reason I say men who abuse women are clowns is pretty simple, we are ALL here because of a woman. In fact, to keep it 100, men are just a mutant variant... XX to XY. Our women are instrumental to the survival of humankind. We should treat them as such
Men who beat on their women don't only have no respect or love for their companion, but also lack those feelings for themselves. Men who batter women are extremely insecure failures for the most part. - I know, you're thinking "but wait, you're a hood rich asshole," but alas, I wasn't always. - Men who get jealous if their girlfriend smiles while she's on the phone, or talking to friends in person. Men who feel inadequate in life and need to dominate a female to stave off their suicidal realities. Batterers are usually punks who don't stand up for anything in their own lives, which is why they need someone to knock down. - I'm making myself look so bad. - They prey on weak character types, like wolves looking for the weak and dying of the herd. Yeah these niggas aint shit!
Women should be treated with respect and shown love. They are flowers, at different phases of blossom. Here's the thing though: YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE in love, just as in all walks of life. If a female doesn't carry herself as a WOMAN, she can not expect to be treated as one. I'm not saying, if she acts like a bitch then whoop that trick, but really ladies, nobody will love you more than you love yourself AND stick around.
If you're looking for HIM to come rescue you from YOUR bullshit, you're saying "hey, I've already been defeated," and really, what winner wants a loser? It's a sad fact that the dignity of today's woman is severely lacking. The "glass ceiling" may not supposedly exist anymore but there's still a definite message out there that women are below men. DISPROVE that! That is your assignment as a woman, should you choose to accept it. Be that LADY that I desire to see as well as be seen with.
Now I do realize there are some dudes that will kill their lady for trying to rise above him. Those are the worst of the haters (9/10 abusive men are 33rd degree hate masons). These dudes are lower than slug shit. They are such miserable fucks that any semblance of joy or progression or even the spark of insecurity about what they mean to someone, sparks them to kill. If I could I'd clap them all with a .50 cal, twice.
So, how can I say all this and claim I used to be abusive? I woke up. My kids mom used to get fucked up by EVERYBODY before me, and sort of expected it from me. Long story short, it happened, it became a nightmare (for both of us, obviously much more so for her,) and I left because it became so bad that I honestly couldn't stand to hit her anymore. I left to try to grow, to become who I was before her and who I wanted to be afterwards. It took a while. I had to do a lot of digging and go through (as well as put others through) tons of pain. I hate who I was.
One day, I fell in love, for real. The point of that is more WHO I fell in love with. I fell in love with a strong woman. Just from her character and poise I didn't dare try to get at her until I knew my shit was together. I prepared myself for her. I got my act together and did shit that I could be proud of. I didn't do it for her so much as she made me want to be a better person, with or without her... and please believe there was a long "without her" period. I got back into art and music. My poetry got better and my rhymes???!? pssssh, nobody's fucking with me! I got my money up, I got my shit right and I feel great! She's gone, but the me I want to be is here forever!
Sadly, my kids' momma is still getting victimized. The number of men who have beaten her increases every few years, true story. I pray for her. I plead for her to wake up too. "I'll do things when I'm ready," she tells me. What can I tell our kids if she's very seriously hurt or killed? She can't see that far, or just doesn't believe he'd do that to her. Yeah, none of them were going to hit her again either...
Point is, batterers are dirt, the most dirt is on the floor and in unkept areas. If you're keeping yourself low and unkept ladies, the more likely you are to get dirty. Do your best to be your best and these dudes will eventually have the space they need to be alone enough to think about who they are. Either they'll kill themselves or they'll grow into full fledged men. It's a win/win.
Fuck if this was long-winded, PAY ATTENTION!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

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